Best Sellers of the Week
Fruit is eating well with a great sugar and acid balance! We are offering stem and leaf from multiple shippers with bulk or clam shell cases available. We are also shipping bald fruit so reach out to John or Matt for loading opportunities. Call For Inquiries
California Navel Oranges
We are now offering choice and fancy grade quotes for both cartons and bins. We also quote bagged navels and have multiple sizes for your specific needs! For competitive pricing and high quality fruit, reach out to Matt or John for more information. Call For Inquiries
Baby Spinach
Spinach is now available! We are offering a cello spinach and a baby spinach pack. Due to lettuce challenges, market remains strong, but it should recover in the upcoming weeks as the market recovers. Reach out to Jose for more details and loading opportunities. Call For Inquiries
Product of the Month
Texas Grapefruits
Grapefruit and Mint Mojito
Seasonal Calendar
Check out our seasonal calendar
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