Best Sellers of the Week
Organic Lacinato Kale
Tuscan kale, dino kale, black kale, lacinato kale, this variety goes by many names. With long leaves and dark, crinkly skin, it contains many of the nutritious benefits of regular kale – tons of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K – but with a milder, sweeter taste that’s more palatable. Call For Inquiries
Organic Rainbow Carrots
Carrots are jammed with a wealth of nutrients, and medium-sized sticks are only 25 calories. Standard orange carrots contain vitamin A, and the other hued carrots are equally healthy. Call For Inquiries
Organic Gala Apples
Gala apples were discovered in 1934 by New Zealand orchardist J.H. Kidd, and are a cross between Golden Delicious and Kidd’s Orange Red, an English favorite. They were introduced for commercial production in 1965, and made their way into the U.S. market in the 1970s. With a mildly sweet flavor and long availability window, this apple is one of today’s most popular varieties. Call For Inquiries
Product of the Month
Brentwood Sweet Corn
Butter-Glazed Rainbow Carrots
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